Volunteer Tournament Leadership
Kaulig Companies Championship Leadership
Each year the Tournament Volunteer Chair and Executive Vice Chairs lead our volunteer contingent to put on a professional golf tournament at Firestone Country Club. Northern Ohio Golf Charities & Foundation is deeply grateful for the commitment of these community leaders and the time and effort they put in to ensure a
tremendously successful event.
Meet The Team
Northern Ohio Golf Charities & Foundation
Past Tournament Chairs
Geoff McClellan, 2024
Jeff Wallick, 2023
Kevin Harris, 2022
Bambi Miller, 2021
George Van Horne, 2020
John Anderson, 2019
Bob Zwisler, 2018
Sandy Becker-Neidert, 2017
Terry Ginley, 2016
Michael Adolph, 2015
Bryon Miller, 2014
Mike Slifka, 2013
Tom Batten, 2012*
Bret Benson, 2011
Don Pucak, 2010
Jim Eckelberry, 2009
Rob Keener, 2008
Barb Cassell, 2007
Frank Horn, 2006*​
Paul Brady, 2005
Tom Krampe, 2004
Larry Foster, 2003
Tom Van Auker, 2002
Brian Moore, 2001
Marcia Benson, 2000
Bill Frantz, 1999
John Semonin, 1998
Al Keller, 1997
Rick Burke, 1996
Larry Saulino, 1995
Lee DiCola, 1994*
Dave Buchthal, 1993
George Sarkis, 1992
Jim Francis, 1991
Larry Barger, 1990
Dennis Thompson, 1989
Leonard Foster, 1988
Albin Ulle, 1987
​Fred Anthony, 1986*
Glenn Westover 1985
Joe Lechiara, 1984*
Joe Henninger, 1983
Bill Gore, 1982*​
Neil Frampton, 1981*
Charles Horn, 1980
Bill Rice, 1979
​Dave Franklin, 1978*
Dave Towell, 1977*
Tom Knoll, 1976
Dick Guster, 1975*
Tom LaRose, 1974*
Russell Boltz, 1973*
Dick Guster, 1972*
David Roughley, 1971*
Dick Paige, 1970*
John Sellars, 1969*
Harold Johnson, 1968*
Carl Armantrout, 1967*
Bill Richards, 1966*
James Claypool, 1965*
Bill Richards, 1964*
Mike Conner, 1963*
Karl Schmidt, 1962*
Lauren Tibbals, 1961*
Lauren Tibbals, 1960*
Jerry McFadden, 1959*