Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for Volunteering
Thank you for volunteering at the Kaulig Companies Championship. Volunteers are truly the backbone of our tournament! Each year it takes over 750 volunteers that comprise over 34 committees to run the Kaulig Companies Championship. These committees are responsible for everything from greeting our patrons at the gate to transporting players and dignitaries to and from the airport. Through the hard work of our volunteers, Northern Ohio Golf Charities Foundation, in partnership with the PGA TOUR was able to donate over $1.2 million to local charities in 2023. You now join the ranks of the best volunteers in the world. We are recognized as being friendly, helpful, and courteous with a long-standing history and commitment to the Akron area. Thank you for your hard work and commitment. We look forward to a great year!
What are the food and refreshments offered to volunteers?
Coffee, tea and donuts are available at the Volunteer Compound each morning from 6:00am until gone. The Volunteer Compound is located on the backside of the course, near #12 green/#13 tee. It consists of the screened gazebo and the Volunteer Barn. This is a place for volunteers to relax, rejuvenate and recharge.
On Saturday, June 21, volunteers are invited to a catered breakfast at the Volunteer Compound. Breakfast will be served 6:30am – 9:00am. For volunteers that are scheduled to work during this time, efforts will be made to have something brought to you.
Please know that while we do our best to accommodate as many dietary requests as possible, we simply can't take individual requests for 400 volunteers each day. We received some requests to return to a voucher for use at a concession stand. Unfortunately, the Kaulig Companies Championship no longer uses a caterer to provide concessions for the fans. Therefore, we are unable to offer that as an option for lunches. We have tried to deliver hot lunches to our volunteers on course, but there were numerous barriers to distribution. In order to best provide lunches to all of our volunteers we will continue to serve boxed lunches and deliver them to each site each day. We will continue to work to supplement those lunches with special offerings each day. Last year we had coffee, ice cream, cupcakes, and popcorn. We are working on the offerings for 2025 and we will be sure to publish those a few weeks out so you can plan accordingly.
Soda, water and snacks are available to volunteers throughout the day at the Volunteer Compound. Efforts are made to bring snacks on course during the day. Distribution can be difficult during play, but volunteers make every effort to reach each volunteer station.
Special Treats
A special item will be provided to all interested volunteers Thursday through Sunday. Last year, volunteers enjoyed ice cream, cupcakes, a coffee truck and popcorn. The volunteer leadership team is working on the offerings for 2025 and that information will be posted several weeks prior to the tournament with service times.
What is the Volunteer Barn?
The Volunteer Barn is where many of the tournament supplies are stored. There is also a volunteer store located in the barn where volunteers may purchase uniform shirts, hats and jackets from the current or previous years, only available as supplies last. Some committees are asked to report to the barn prior to their shift. Your committee chairman will let you know where to report.
What happens if there is bad weather?
Occasionally tee times must be changed due to weather. When this happens, Committee Chairmen will attempt to reach out to all impacted volunteers with new shift times. Changes in tee times are available online at or by downloading the PGA Tour app. If you are unsure if a change in tee time impacts you, please contact your committee chairman.
When and where is the Volunteer Party?
In 2021, the TOUR asked us not to gather a large group of volunteers together prior to the tournament due to COVID and so we moved the Volunteer Party to August. We learned that most of you loved having another opportunity to gather with your fellow volunteers. We had a tremendous response the past few years and had a great time at Canal Park. We will continue to hold the party post-tournament.
How do I receive my complimentary weekly passes?
Each volunteer receives two weekly passes to distribute to friends and family. We know that many of you and many of our fans have some difficulty with online tickets. Unfortunately, Ticketmaster, the ticket vendor for the PGA TOUR Champions, no longer provides paper tickets. We have tried to get that reversed but it is no longer an option. You will receive the information to login to your Ticketmaster account when you receive your uniform. Please make an effort to login as soon as possible so if you have issues accessing your tickets we have ample time to assist you. If you wait until tournament week, we are likely working on course and will be unable to help.
Are volunteers offered a special rate to play Firestone Country Club?
We know you would like to have an opportunity to play the South Course at Firestone! Neither Northern Ohio Golf Charities nor the Kaulig Companies Championship own Firestone Country Club and are not able to direct the Club to offer playing opportunities for our volunteers as was done in the past. While we wish this is possible, and we continually raise the idea with the Club , we do not control that option. If this opportunity becomes available to our volunteers, we will let you know as soon as possible.
When can I pick up my uniform?
Uniform pick up will be held at the Media Center (440 East Warner Road, Akron, OH 44319) on May 8 from 5-8 pm and May 17 from 8-12 pm. Please make plans to pick up your credentials, uniforms, ticket information and additional items during our scheduled pick up days.​
Each volunteer will receive in his/her uniform bag:
Uniform Shirt
Hat/visor (depending on what was selected at the time of application)
12x12 Clear plastic bag to carry personal items into the tournament (you are allowed one 6x6x6 bag or one 12x12 clear bag only)
Commemorative Volunteer Pin
Any additional shirts or items purchased (if applicable)
Information on how you will receive your two weekly grounds passes
If you are unable to pick up your items in person, please arrange to have a friend do so for you. Otherwise, if you missed the distribution dates, your next opportunity to pick up your uniform will be at the Volunteer Compound on Tuesday, June 17.
Remember, you always have the option to have your uniform shipped to your home for $20. Please contact the tournament office (330-245-2302) or email if you would like to have your uniform shipped.​
What do I wear with my uniform shirt and hat?
You will be provided a logo shirt and cap or visor with your uniform package. Men wear navy slacks or knee length Bermuda shorts with short socks. Please - no cargo style shorts. Women wear navy slacks, skirts, capris, knee length shorts, or skorts. No metal spike shoes are permitted. These items are not on the order form. You must provide your own.
What Can I Bring to the Course?
Volunteers are expected to adhere to the same restrictions that guests have when it comes to tournament entry.
Volunteers, like guests, are permitted to bring a 6x6x6 bag or purse into the tournament or a 12x12 clear bag. All volunteers are provided with a clear 12x12 bag with their uniform for this purpose.
Volunteers are not permitted to bring knives of any kind.
Unopened bottles of water or unopened snacks. Drinks are provided for volunteers during their shift.
Soft-sided coolers. You are permitted to bring your own lunch if you choose.
Umbrellas without the sleeve.
Marshals are permitted to bring a camping chair without the sleeve.
What should I do if I am running late or need to cancel my shift?
If you are running late or are unable to make your assigned shift, please contact your committee chairman as soon as possible.
Are there rules for driving a golf cart?
Any volunteer that uses a golf cart as part of their assignment will be required to follow the Golf Cart Safety Rules:
No golf cart will be operated by an intoxicated person.
Only authorized people may drive a golf cart.
Do not drive the golf cart until all occupants are seated.
Prior to driving the golf cart, check to see if it is set to go forward or backward; make adjustments as necessary.
Always drive straight up and down a hill.
Never stand up in a moving golf cart.
Never make a sharp turn, even on a straight-away. Approach a hill or rise in a straight line.
Slow down and drive with extra caution when the grass is wet.
Set the parking brake before leaving the cart.
Remove the keys when the golf cart is left unattended.
Golf carts should not exceed maximum capacity. Each rider should have a seat.
Volunteers who will need the use of a golf cart will be asked to sign a release form before receiving your golf cart.
All golf carts are assigned to a specific individual. Do not use another person’s golf cart without their permission.
Prior to operating a golf cart, volunteers must sign an acknowledgement of the rules and get a golf cart sticker. Acknowledgements and stickers are available at the Cart Tent and the Information counter.
Can I attend the tournament when I am not volunteering?
Your volunteer credential will provide admission into the tournament for the entire week, including when you are not scheduled. You will need to wear your credential for admission, but do not wear your uniform shirt if you are not working. Volunteers are expected to adhere to the same restrictions as guests regarding course etiquette and what they can and can’t bring into the tournament. All volunteers will be wanded through security upon entry to the tournament.
Can I work on multiple committees?
Yes! After registering for your first committee, contact Danielle at the tournament office at or 330-245-2302 to discuss.
Where do I park?
Lot 7 at the corner of S. Main Street and Killian Road has been designated as the volunteer parking lot. Your badge is your parking pass. Shuttles run continuously to the Killian Road gate at the rear of the course or the Main Gate at the front of the course.
How do I get to Volunteer Parking?
From the North: Take 77 S to 224 W to the Main St exit. Turn right. Go approximately 2 miles to Killian Road. Turn left. The Volunteer parking lot is on the right.
From the South: Take 77 N to the Arlington Road exit. Turn right. Go approximately 2 miles to Killian Road. Turn left. The Volunteer parking lot is on the left.
From the East: Take 224 W to the Main St Exit. Turn right. Go approximately 2 miles to Killian Road. Turn left. The Volunteer parking lot is on the right.
From the West: Take 224 E to the Main St Exit. Turn right. Go approximately 2 miles to Killian Road. Turn left. The Volunteer parking lot is on the right.
Where do I go after I park?
There are three gates into the tournament: Main, East, and Killian. Shuttles run from the volunteer parking lot and make stops at both the Main gate at the front of the course and Killian Gate at the back of the course. Shuttles begin at 5:30am each morning and run until approximately 1 ½ hours after tournament play ends each day. Breakfast snacks and coffee are provided each day at the Volunteer Compound at the Killian Gate. Volunteers can report there and be shuttled to their volunteer location. If you would like to report directly to your volunteer station, you can take the shuttle directly to the Main gate. Volunteers who need to get to the walking scorers/junior volunteer tent, Clubhouse or East gate should take the volunteer shuttle to the Main gate. East gate is a short walk from there to the other side of Firestone Country Club. When planning your arrival time for your shift, please make sure to leave enough time to catch the volunteer shuttle for a ride to the correct gate and the walk to your assigned station. Shuttle wait times can vary.
Shuttle Times
WEDNESDAY 5:30am to 7pm
How do I know my volunteer schedule?
Each committee has a volunteer chairman who schedules all volunteers. Schedules are created approximately 3 weeks out from the tournament. When your scheduled shift is up, please do not leave your station until your replacement arrives unless directed by your committee chairman. Weather-related issues play a big part in the timing of all events and your flexibility is greatly appreciated!
Where is the Lost and Found?
Lost and Found is located at each of the three gates while the gates are open. Once the gates have closed for the day, all unclaimed items are taken to the Media Center. Please take any items you find on the course to the nearest gate as soon as possible.
Where are restrooms located?
Port a Pots are available at the front of the course near Firestone Village. There are also restrooms located throughout the course. Please see the course map to locate the restroom closest to your assigned station to assist guests.
Who should I contact if I find a lost child?
If you find a lost child on the course, please contact the nearest Police Officer, Security Committee Volunteer or take the child to the nearest gate as soon as possible. A message will be displayed on the scoreboard to help parents find their child.
What do I do if I see a security issue?
If you witness an issue on the course that you feel is illegal or you feel is a danger to our guests or volunteers, please report it to your Chairman. If there is an immediate threat please report it to the nearest Police Officer or Marshal as soon as possible then follow up with your committee chairman.
Who should I contact with a medical emergency?
If you witness a medical emergency on the course, please report it to the nearest Police Officer or Marshal as soon as possible. If you have a radio, you can also turn to the first aid channel and call for help. Please report the incident to your Chairman once help has arrived.
What do I do in case of an evacuation?
At any time during play, if the sirens go off, guests are encouraged to exit the course. Shuttles will continue to run to public parking to help guests back to their cars. We are not able to make guests leave but if they choose to stay, the PGA TOUR and Firestone Country Club assume no responsibility if they are injured. When the evacuation sirens go off, gates will close and new guests will not be permitted to enter the course. Once play has resumed, guests who were evacuated will be rescanned onto the course. All guests will have to be re-wanded prior to re-entry.
Siren Codes:
3 short siren blasts – Suspension of play
1 long siren blast – Course evacuation
At any time during play, if the sirens go off, depending on assignment, volunteers may be evacuated to the nearest enclosed location. For gates, a skeleton staff may remain to secure the gates from re-entry depending on the severity of the weather. If sirens go off, committee chairmen will communicate instructions to all volunteers. Please follow your Chairman’s instructions accordingly. When the evacuation sirens go off, scheduled volunteers on the Emergency Action Committee are to report to their assigned station immediately and follow directions provided.
What is the Dave Franklin Award?
Each year during the tournament, volunteers are asked to nominate someone who exemplifies the true and selfless meaning of being a volunteer. This highly respected award is named for David H. Franklin, a long-time volunteer who worked at the tournament for 25 years before losing his battle with cancer. Nomination forms can be turned into the Volunteer Compound or the Tournament Office. Forms must be submitted by midnight on Thursday, June 19.
As the tournament draws to a close, a committee selects a recipient from those nominated based on the following criteria:
Has been a volunteer with the tournament for at least five years.
Has shown personal dedication and commitment to making the tournament successful.
Always responded to what was required, regardless of how mundane the task.
Has been unselfish in her/his efforts, thinking more about making the tournament successful than receiving individual recognition.
The award recipient will be announced following the Volunteer Breakfast held on Saturday, June 21.